To log into the K-Fuze site:
- In the top right hand corner of the page, select the user drop down, and click Login. Or click Login in the left hand navigation menu
- Enter your User Name and Password in the appropriate and click the Login button.
- Note: your K-Fuze site may be configured to have different login options: Login (K-Fuze native authentication provider), Login with Active Directory, Login with Facebook or Login with Google. Select the correct login option as directed by your site administrator.
- To login with Active Directory; enter your active directory login name and password
- To login with Facebook, click the Facebook logo
- To login with Google, click the Google logo
- Once successfully logged in, you will be directed to the Home page.
- If you are direct linking to a K-Fuze page, once successfully logged in you will be directed to that page.
Remember, if you are not an existing user, you will first need to
register to become an authorized K-Fuze user.